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  1. Minecraft: Java Edition
  2. MC-259367

The words "ingot" and "crystal" within smithing template armor trim strings don't account for all available trimming materials


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Works As Intended
    • None
    • 23w04a
    • None
    • Confirmed
    • Text

      The Bug:

      The words "ingot" and "crystal" within smithing template armor trim strings don't account for all available trimming materials.

      Within the strings "Put an ingot or crystal here" and "Ingots & Crystals", we are told that we can only use an ingot or a crystal as a trimming material however, this isn't exactly true. We can use redstone as well, which doesn't classify as either a crystal or an ingot. These strings should be updated to reflect that we can use this as a trimming material as well.

      Here's a list of all available trimming materials along with their types:

      Item Item Type
      Iron Ingot Ingot
      Copper Ingot Ingot
      Gold Ingot Ingot
      Lapis Rock
      Emerald Gemstone
      Diamond Crystal
      Netherite Ingot Ingot
      Redstone ?
      Amethyst Shard Crystal
      Quartz Crystal

      Affected Strings:


      Translation Key Current String Expected/Suggested String String URL on Crowdin
      item.minecraft.smithing_template.armor_trim.additions_slot_description Put an ingot or crystal here Put an Ingot or mineral here https://crowdin.com/translate/minecraft/10038/enus-engb#5343387 
      item.minecraft.smithing_template.armor_trim.ingredients Ingots & Crystals Ingots & Minerals https://crowdin.com/translate/minecraft/10038/enus-engb#5343383 

      Steps to Reproduce:

      1. Display the affected strings by using the commands provided below.
        /tellraw @s {"translate":"item.minecraft.smithing_template.armor_trim.additions_slot_description"}
        /tellraw @s {"translate":"item.minecraft.smithing_template.armor_trim.ingredients"}
      2. Observe if the words within these strings account for all available trimming materials.
      3. Take note as to whether or not the words "ingot" and "crystal" within smithing template armor trim strings account for all available trimming materials.

      Observed Behavior:

      The words "ingot" and "crystal" don't account for all available trimming materials. For example, redstone is a trimming material that doesn't classify as either an ingot or a crystal.

      Expected Behavior:

      The strings would account for all available trimming materials.

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            Avoma [Mod] Avoma
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