The Bug:
Invisible camels don't show their saddles.
Steps to Reproduce:
- Summon an invisible saddled pig and an invisible saddled camel by using the commands provided below.
/summon minecraft:pig ~-3 ~ ~-3 {NoAI:1b,Saddle:1b,active_effects:[{duration: 9563,amplifier:0b,id:"minecraft:invisibility",show_particles:1b}]}
/summon minecraft:camel ~3 ~ ~-3 {NoAI:1b,SaddleItem:{id:"minecraft:saddle",Count:1b},active_effects:[{duration: 9563,amplifier:0b,id:"minecraft:invisibility",show_particles:1b}]}
- Take note of how the invisible pig shows its saddle.
- Take note as to whether or not invisible camels show their saddles.
Observed Behavior:
Invisible camels don't show their saddles.
Expected Behavior:
Invisible camels would show their saddles, following the behavior of pigs.