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  1. Minecraft: Java Edition
  2. MC-252135

Dropper/Dispenser lock in "triggered=true" in some configurations.


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Duplicate
    • None
    • 1.18.2
    • None
    • Unconfirmed

      (Note: This is actually version 1.17.1 I am playing, but I am having issues installing/running any version not already installed in my system, so this may not apply to 1.18+. I will update this as needed if I can figure out why 1.18+ will not install/run and fix that issue as well...)

      While playing with an item sorter, I discovered an issue with Droppers (and seems to apply to Dispensers, as well). The issue is that when sending a RedStone signal down by one block, the Dropper changes state to "triggered=true" and does not complete. It still drops/dispenses the item, but then it will not drop/dispense any items on any trigger pulses after the first.

      Further testing found the following:

      1) It only occurs when a RedStone signal arrives to the Dropper (and dispenser, but I will only state "dropper" now...), causing it to fire once. Then it locks in "triggered=true" state (according to F3+I debug copy info), even after both the Dropper dropped an item and the signal is removed.

      2) It only seems to occur if I have to route the RedStone signal down by one block. In my testing, I set a Dropper on Y=65 (X and Z do not matter), a Stone_Bricks at X-1,Y+1,Z. I then put RedStone Dust on tp of the Dropper and the Stone_Bricks, and placed a power source as needed to power the Dust. Both Dusts powered up, the Dropper dropped an item, but "triggered" remained "true". (In normal and [correct?] operation, it seems "triggered=false" is normal by the time I can F3+I the Dropper.)

      3) placing another Stone_Bricks directly under the powered Stone_Bricks sometimes seems to cause it to work correctly. I have not tested this configuration fully yet, however.

      4) Most other configurations work without problem: Powered block behind; Activated/Powered RedStone Dust on top; etc.

      In the end, I routed the dust to the side by one block, did the "step-down" closer to my clock pulse generator instead of at the Dropper, and then ended with the RedStone Dust directly on top of the Dropper from the side. This seems to have worked correctly.

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