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  1. Minecraft: Java Edition
  2. MC-250571

Gamerule description strings within the world creation menu consist of inconsistent concluding punctuation


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • 1.20 Pre-release 1
    • 1.18.2, 22w16b, 22w17a, 22w18a, 22w19a, 1.19 Pre-release 1, 1.19 Release Candidate 2, 1.19, 1.19.1 Pre-release 2, 1.19.1 Pre-release 5, 1.19.1, 1.19.2, 22w45a, 1.19.3, 1.19.4
    • Confirmed
    • Text
    • Low

      The Bug:

      Gamerule description strings within the world creation menu consist of inconsistent concluding punctuation.

      At the end of some gamerule description strings, sometimes punctuation is present, and sometimes it isn't, therefore introducing an inconsistency.

      Affected Strings:

      Before reading the table, please note the following:

      • Characters colored in GREEN are correct.
      • Characters colored in RED are incorrect.


      Gamerule Description Translation Key Current Gamerule Description Expected Gamerule Description
      gamerule.doEntityDrops.description Controls drops from minecarts (including inventories), item frames, boats, etc. Controls drops from minecarts (including inventories), item frames, boats, etc.
      gamerule.forgiveDeadPlayers.description Angered neutral mobs stop being angry when the targeted player dies nearby. Angered neutral mobs stop being angry when the targeted player dies nearby.
      gamerule.playersSleepingPercentage.description The percentage of players who must be sleeping to skip the night. The percentage of players who must be sleeping to skip the night.
      gamerule.universalAnger.description Angered neutral mobs attack any nearby player, not just the player that angered them. Works best if forgiveDeadPlayers is disabled. Angered neutral mobs attack any nearby player, not just the player that angered them. Works best if forgiveDeadPlayers is disabled.
      gamerule.globalSoundEvents.description When certain game events happen, like a boss spawning, the sound is heard everywhere. When certain game events happen, like a boss spawning, the sound is heard everywhere.
      gamerule.lavaSourceConversion.description When flowing lava is surrounded on two sides by lava sources it converts into a source. When flowing lava is surrounded on two sides by lava sources it converts into a source.
      gamerule.waterSourceConversion.description When flowing water is surrounded on two sides by water sources it converts into a source. When flowing water is surrounded on two sides by water sources it converts into a source.
      gamerule.snowAccumulationHeight.description When it snows, layers of snow form on the ground up to at most this number of layers. When it snows, layers of snow form on the ground up to at most this number of layers.
      gamerule.tntExplosionDropDecay.description Some of the drops from blocks destroyed by explosions caused by TNT are lost in the explosion. Some of the drops from blocks destroyed by explosions caused by TNT are lost in the explosion.
      gamerule.mobExplosionDropDecay.description Some of the drops from blocks destroyed by explosions caused by mobs are lost in the explosion. Some of the drops from blocks destroyed by explosions caused by mobs are lost in the explosion.
      gamerule.blockExplosionDropDecay.description Some of the drops from blocks destroyed by explosions caused by block interactions are lost in the explosion. Some of the drops from blocks destroyed by explosions caused by block interactions are lost in the explosion.
      gamerule.doLimitedCrafting.description If enabled, players will be able to craft only unlocked recipes If enabled, players will be able to craft only unlocked recipes.
      gamerule.doMobLoot.description Controls resource drops from mobs, including experience orbs Controls resource drops from mobs, including experience orbs.
      gamerule.doMobSpawning.description Some entities might have separate rules Some entities might have separate rules.
      gamerule.doTileDrops.description Controls resource drops from blocks, including experience orbs Controls resource drops from blocks, including experience orbs.
      gamerule.maxCommandChainLength.description Applies to command block chains and functions Applies to command block chains and functions.
      gamerule.reducedDebugInfo.description Limits contents of debug screen Limits contents of debug screen.

      Steps to Reproduce:

      1. Display any of the affected strings as listed above by using the command provided below and replacing "XYZ" with the string's translation key.
        /tellraw @s {"translate":"XYZ"}
      2. Look closely at the end of the string.
      3. Take note as to whether or not gamerule description strings within the world creation menu consist of inconsistent concluding punctuation.

      Observed Behavior:

      Gamerule description strings sometimes contain concluding punctuation and sometimes don't.

      Expected Behavior:

      All gamerule description strings would contain concluding punctuation.

            elvendorke [Mojang] elvendorke
            Avoma [Mod] Avoma
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