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  1. Minecraft: Java Edition
  2. MC-248996

Transition between the "standing" and "crouching" poses is instant rather than smooth


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Invalid
    • None
    • 1.18.2
    • None
    • Confirmed
    • Player Animation

      The bug

      While the crawling/swimming pose has a smooth animation which is played when transitioning between it and other poses, no such animation is played for the crouching/sneaking pose. This conflicts with what is seen in first-person view: the transition between the two camera positions is smooth (previously reported under MC-48401, which says Won't Fix but was eventually fixed some time in 1.13 or 1.14 anyway; also see MC-90591).

      How to reproduce

      There are easier ways to test this, but I used a dedicated setup in case this issue is valid for sneaking caused by blocks but not the controls:

      1. Place a piston which will push a block down on a standing player, forcing them into crawl mode, when triggered, and will retract it when triggered a second time
      2. Enter third person mode and trigger the mechanism, and observe the smooth animation that results
      3. Replace the block beign pushed with a top slab
      4. Note the instant pose change

      Expected results

      The standing-to-crouching and crouching-to-standing pose changes would be smooth, much like the standing-to-crawling and crawling-to-standing changes are.

      Actual results

      The change is instant, which is inconsistent with both the crawling transitions and what is seen in first-person view.

      Further notes

      Animated GIFs for comparison:

      Standing<-> crawling:

      Standing<-> crouching:

        1. crawl-enter.gif
          2.14 MB
        2. crawl-exit.gif
          1.70 MB
        3. crouch-enter.gif
          1.89 MB
        4. crouch-exit.gif
          1.57 MB

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            muzikbike Connor Steppie
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