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  1. Minecraft: Java Edition
  2. MC-2477

internal exception:java.net.sockecttimeoutexception: read timed out


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Duplicate
    • None
    • Minecraft 1.4.2
    • None
    • Unconfirmed
    • Survival

      This is what I wrote as a ticket to MCProHosting.

      ok....In the last few days I have been trying to fix the problem and can't fix it and I do't know if u guys can fix it, please try. I do not want to have to make a new world again. The major problem is I will b playing normal and all of a sudden it kicks me and I cant get back on even after restarting the server. The place where I was kicked I had someone else go to that area then they were kicked. Another friend on the server was playing and was also kicked but this time when he got back on there was over 1300 pig's. If you guys can't fix it PLEASE see if DinnerBone can or someone from Mojang can. thanks. If you guys need my server log or what ever just do what u need. Also, the thing with the pigs had happen on a different world but with Iron golems. We could not fix that one and lost it. This is a bug I believe that needs to be fixed.

        1. 2012-08-18_17.52.24.png
          518 kB
        2. server.log
          8.43 MB
        3. computer.txt
          1 kB

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