• Unconfirmed
    • (Unassigned)

      Apparently, Farmers just wander around 99.9% of the workday.


      • Farmer is locked using a trade.
      • Bees just fertilize every now and then.

      Testing with the carpet mod (mainly to speed up the game to reduce waiting)
      revealed that the farmer does nothing over the course of 72000 ticks / 3600 seconds / 60 minutes / 3 in-game days. Check: Empty chest at the beginning, empty chest at the end.

      The villager has a buddy present at all time, when thrown food, he will share 70ish percent of the food with that said buddy, after sharing, he just loops around wandering and doing nothing. 

      I added a bed after the first test, to see if he demanded a bed in order to work. Nope. Same test, same result. Check: Empty chest at the beginning, empty chest at the end.

      The same has been tested on a Server (without carpet) and now 17 days have passed and the chest is still empty.

      All the tests have ben run 4x with and 4x without workstation. Villager was locked from the beginning.

            Unassigned Unassigned
            TheSpicePhantom Spice
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