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  1. Minecraft: Java Edition
  2. MC-240029

Fire and soul fire have dedicated minecraft:block particles


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Invalid
    • None
    • 1.17.1, 21w43a, 1.18.2, 1.19, 1.19.4, 23w18a, 1.20 Pre-release 1
    • Confirmed
    • Particles

      The bug

      Fire and soul fire are capable of producing minecraft:block particles of themselves in certain situations.

      The fact that particles can be produced at all makes no sense, as there are several other blocks in the game for which particles are never produced since particles being produced for them also makes no sense.

      Table of results

      The following table lists all cases in which minecraft:block particles are generated, and fire and soul fire's behaviour for each of these cases. The expected behaviour for all of these is that no particles are produced.

      Event Result Notes
      Process of breaking Particles created Most easily noticed with swords in Creative
      Being broken No particles Includes /setblock ~ ~ ~ air destroy
      Being sprinted on Particles created Requires sprint-jumping through it and a keen eye
      Being fallen on Particles created Requires falling on a boat inside the fire:
      /summon boat ~ ~ ~ {Invulnerable:1b}
      Being walked on by an iron golem Particles created  
      Being dug through by an emerging warden Untested  
      Being dug through by a departing warden Untested  
      Being dug through by a sniffer Untested  
      /particle command Particles created Example: /particle minecraft:block minecraft:fire

      Expected behaviour

      As mentioned before, block particles for fire and soul fire should never be created, even if summoned with commands. Currently, only the following four blocks will never show block particles, behaviour which fire and soul fire would be expected to follow:

      • minecraft:air
      • minecraft:cave_air
      • minecraft:void_air
      • minecraft:moving_piston

      Actual behaviour

      The game does indeed prevent fire and soul fire block particles from being produced in some cases. However, there do still remain cases where block particles are created, which can be seen in the table.

      How to fix

      Removing the particle texture definition from the models would not fix this issue, as the game would simply fall back to using the missing texture. As such, fixing this would require code changes. A simple fix would be to just hardcode fire and soul fire to not use particles just like the four aforementioned blocks, but a more data-driven solution may be preferable, removing this hardcoded list from the game.

      These approaches are listed in detail in MC-240028.

            Unassigned Unassigned
            muzikbike Connor Steppie
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