Resolution: Unresolved
21w11a, 21w13a, 21w14a, 21w15a, 21w16a, 21w17a, 1.17, 1.17.1 Pre-release 3, 1.17.1, 21w37a, 21w38a, 21w39a, 21w40a, 21w41a, 21w42a, 21w43a, 21w44a, 1.18 Pre-release 1, 1.18 Pre-release 6, 1.18 Release Candidate 1, 1.18, 1.18.1 Release Candidate 1, 1.18.1, 22w03a, 22w05a, 1.18.2, 22w11a, 22w12a, 22w15a, 22w18a, 22w19a, 1.19 Pre-release 2, 1.19 Pre-release 3, 1.19, 1.19.1 Pre-release 4, 1.19.1 Release Candidate 2, 1.19.2, 22w43a, 22w44a, 22w45a, 1.19.3, 23w06a, 1.19.4 Pre-release 3, 1.19.4, 23w14a, 1.20.1, 23w33a, 1.20.2, 23w42a, 23w45a, 23w46a, 1.20.4, 24w03b, 24w11a, 24w12a, 1.21, 1.21.3
The Bug
The side walls, like those shown in the image, need a significant distance for z-fighting to happen. Perpendicular walls, however, start z-fighting rather early.
Steps to Reproduce
- Summon a large box of powder snow surrounded by blocks.
/fill ~1 ~ ~1 ~25 ~4 ~25 minecraft:stone /fill ~2 ~ ~2 ~24 ~4 ~24 minecraft:powder_snow
- Switch into spectator mode, go inside of the powder snow, and look at the walls of the box.
- Take note as to whether or not powder snow z-fights with distant block faces.
Observed Behavior
Powder snow z-fights with distant block faces.
Expected Behavior
Powder snow would not z-fight with distant block faces.
- discovered while testing
MC-219894 Powder snow fog effect is still applied to spectators
- Open
- is duplicated by
MC-228808 Powder snow can sometimes create z-fighting with blocks placed right behind it in spectator mode
- Resolved
MC-230863 Powder snow bug
- Resolved
MC-236726 Powder Snow Z-Fighting in Spectator Mode
- Resolved
MC-237254 Powder snow glitch spectator mode
- Resolved
MC-239788 z-fighting in powdered snow (Spectator Mode)
- Resolved
MC-273469 z-fighting When in powder snow in spectator
- Resolved
- relates to
MC-190728 Side and bottom of waterlogged blocks cause z-fighting when looking at them from a distance
- Open
MC-205199 Powder snow bordering water causes z-fighting issues from a distance
- Reopened
MC-206113 Powder Snow causes Z-Fighting with Falling Blocks
- Resolved
MC-212277 Glow lichen viewed from a distance causes z-fighting issues
- Resolved
MC-220488 Powder snow cullface only works for other powder snow blocks; ignores solid blocks
- Open
MC-260321 Sniffers in the distance have lots of Z-fighting on their body
- Resolved