Resolution: Fixed
Minecraft 1.4.2, Minecraft 1.4.4, Minecraft 1.4.5, Snapshot 12w50b, Minecraft 1.4.6, Minecraft 1.4.7, Snapshot 13w01b, Snapshot 13w04a, Snapshot 13w06a, Snapshot 13w07a, Snapshot 13w09c, Snapshot 13w10a, Snapshot 13w10b, Minecraft 1.5, Snapshot 13w11a, Minecraft 1.5.1, Snapshot 13w16b, Minecraft 1.5.2, Snapshot 13w17a, Snapshot 13w18c, Snapshot 13w19a, Snapshot 13w21a, Snapshot 13w21b, Snapshot 13w23b, Snapshot 13w24a, Snapshot 13w24b, Snapshot 13w25a, Snapshot 13w25b, Snapshot 13w25c, Snapshot 13w26a, Minecraft 1.6, Minecraft 1.6.1, Minecraft 1.6.2, Minecraft 1.6.4, Minecraft 13w36a, Minecraft 13w42b, Minecraft 13w43a, Minecraft 1.7, Minecraft 1.7.1, Minecraft 1.7.2, Minecraft 1.7.3, Minecraft 1.7.4, Minecraft 14w02b, Minecraft 14w02c, Minecraft 14w08a, Minecraft 1.7.5, Minecraft 14w11b, Minecraft 1.7.6-pre1, Minecraft 1.7.9, Minecraft 14w18b, Minecraft 14w21b, Minecraft 14w25b, Minecraft 14w26c, Minecraft 1.7.10, Minecraft 14w27b, Minecraft 14w28b, Minecraft 14w34b, Minecraft 14w34d, Minecraft 1.8-pre2, Minecraft 1.8, Minecraft 1.8.3, Minecraft 1.8.4, Minecraft 1.8.7, Minecraft 1.8.8, Minecraft 15w32c, Minecraft 15w34d, Minecraft 15w38b, Minecraft 1.8.9, Minecraft 16w02a, Minecraft 1.9 Pre-Release 4, Minecraft 1.9, Minecraft 1.9.1 Pre-Release 3, Minecraft 1.9.2, Minecraft 16w15b, Minecraft 1.10, Minecraft 1.10.2, Minecraft 16w32a, Minecraft 16w32b, Minecraft 16w33a, Minecraft 16w35a, Minecraft 16w36a, Minecraft 16w39a, Minecraft 16w39b, Minecraft 16w39c, Minecraft 16w40a, Minecraft 16w41a, Minecraft 16w42a, Minecraft 16w43a, Minecraft 16w44a, Minecraft 1.11 Pre-Release 1, Minecraft 1.11, Minecraft 16w50a, Minecraft 1.11.2, Minecraft 17w06a, Minecraft 1.12 Pre-Release 5, Minecraft 1.12 Pre-Release 6, Minecraft 1.12, Minecraft 1.12.1, Minecraft 1.12.2, Minecraft 1.13-pre8, Minecraft 1.14.2, 1.14.4, 20w12a, 20w17a, 20w22a, 1.16 Release Candidate 1, 1.16, 1.16.1, 20w29a, 1.16.2 Release Candidate 1, 1.16.2, 1.16.4, 20w49a, 20w51a, 21w03a, 21w05a, 21w19a, 1.17, 1.17.1, 1.18, 1.18.1, 22w03a, 1.18.2, 1.19, 1.19.1 Pre-release 2, 1.19.1 Pre-release 3, 1.19.3, 23w04a, 1.20.1, 1.21, 1.21.3, 1.21.4
Entities, Hitboxes
The bug
Mobs can intersect with blocks, which are right next to the mobs, when the chunk they are in was previously saved and is now loaded. This can cause the mobs to suffocate and die or to escape enclosed areas.
This is a list of all (possibly) reasons which can cause this bug. These reasons do not exclude each other.
Bounding box precision loss
Caused by floating point inaccuracies, first described in this comment.
Explanation of bug and fix (Worth reading!)
Mobs moving in unloaded chunks
See bugi74's comment but might not happen, see this comment.
Baby mobs growing up
This is definitely one reason, see this comment and MC-103313.
- is duplicated by
MC-5369 Animals Leaving Fenced-In Areas
- Resolved
MC-5401 Animals dying through suffocation.
- Resolved
MC-6653 Sheep and cows can jump over fences
- Resolved
MC-7392 Animals escaping with no way to escape
- Resolved
MC-8707 Mobs go through fences on world load
- Resolved
MC-9393 Pigs do not react to wheat, dogs stay sitting if left too long or when next play.
- Resolved
MC-9476 fences
- Resolved
MC-9483 Animals in pens randomlly walk into walls and suffocate
- Resolved
MC-9503 Animals can get through fences
- Resolved
MC-9525 Baby Animals Glitch Through Blocks (Cows and Pigs)
- Resolved
MC-9753 Death of livestock
- Resolved
MC-9777 Failing Fences
- Resolved
MC-9894 Animals Chunk Bug
- Resolved
MC-9926 Animals walk through fences
- Resolved
MC-9988 Animals can pass through fences.
- Resolved
MC-10231 Extreme Animal Glitches
- Resolved
MC-10311 animals are getting out of fenced areas
- Resolved
MC-10422 Fencis bug
- Resolved
MC-10725 The animals leave the farm
- Resolved
MC-10894 Mobs escaping Fenced off enclosures.
- Resolved
MC-11009 Mobs glitching through fences
- Resolved
MC-11022 Stacked baby animals/villagers glitch through walls upon relogging
- Resolved
MC-11052 My chickens teleport over fence or stuck in it, when I close game and re-enter it.
- Resolved
MC-11203 13w10b Baby animals spawn outside of fenced in areas when world is loaded
- Resolved
MC-11252 Farm animals actually phasing through fences/glass panes--not just old visual glitch
- Resolved
MC-11386 Chicken Clipping issue
- Resolved
MC-11455 Mobs glitch through or into blocks on log in
- Resolved
MC-11621 Mobs are glitching out of their cages upon reloading chunks
- Resolved
MC-11774 Baby animals seem to be able to escape fences and fence gates when a chunck is unloaded
- Resolved
MC-11950 animals escaping
- Resolved
MC-11971 Animals frequently getting through fences in 1.5 update
- Resolved
MC-12011 Chickens being pushed by water will pass thorugh a fence when logging out then logging back in.
- Resolved
MC-12018 Wierd fence issues
- Resolved
MC-12114 Animals escaping in a completely fenced in area
- Resolved
MC-12176 Baby animalss will escape fence boundaries upon logging out, then logging back in.
- Resolved
MC-12221 Animals escaping through the walls !
- Resolved
MC-12227 Pigs evade from fences and cobblestone walls
- Resolved
MC-12260 bug mobs when they are in enclosure
- Resolved
MC-12297 Animals leave the farm /
- Resolved
MC-12348 Mobs escaping through fences
- Resolved
MC-12428 Farming mobs escape after disconnect and reconnect.
- Resolved
MC-12562 Mob Glitching
- Resolved
MC-12564 Animals Warping Out Of Fenced Areas
- Resolved
MC-12645 Pigs can walk through fences
- Resolved
MC-12732 Animals not bound by fences
- Resolved
MC-12822 baby sheep can jump over fences
- Resolved
MC-12837 Animals are escaping, and mobs are attacking by walking cleanly through fences.
- Resolved
MC-12841 Animals escape pens made of wooden fences
- Resolved
MC-13117 Fences
- Resolved
MC-13504 Chickens, pigs and cows are going trough blocks
- Resolved
MC-13570 Mobs die/escape upon reloading world
- Resolved
MC-14335 horses glitch threw 2 high fence
- Resolved
MC-14453 cows cliping suffocating or even going trough blocks when logging in and out
- Resolved
MC-14741 baby mobs (cows, pigs) will go trough blocks wenn they are in one by one holes(solid blocks)
- Resolved
MC-14866 small animals escape the fences
- Resolved
MC-14954 Animals escape from pens made of fences
- Resolved
MC-15169 Chickens get out of fenced areas
- Resolved
MC-15217 Animals glitching through single layer blocks
- Resolved
MC-15317 Chicken's can walk right through fence's
- Resolved
MC-15470 Animals getting trough fences and cobblestone walls
- Resolved
MC-15694 Zombies go through walls
- Resolved
MC-15856 Cows jump appear to have jumped over fences
- Resolved
MC-16675 Baby animals seem to walk through fences when loading the game
- Resolved
MC-16833 Cows escaping from fence enclosed area
- Resolved
MC-16925 Fences aren't holding in cows, chickens, pigs, and sheep.
- Resolved
MC-17095 Baby Animal's Glitch through Transparent Blocks (Fence, Iron bars, etc) upon Relog in SSP and SMP
- Resolved
MC-17138 Animals in enclosed spaces die
- Resolved
MC-17173 Mobs passing through fences
- Resolved
MC-17228 Horses Going through walls and fence gates.
- Resolved
MC-17380 Mobs seem to escape upon relog in SMP when ompressed into small spaces and covered by transparent blocks (glass)
- Resolved
MC-17508 Animals walk through fencing being used as pens.
- Resolved
MC-17650 Sometimes pig can go trought closed door
- Resolved
MC-17691 Sheep glitch through fences
- Resolved
MC-18392 Animals Going Through Fences
- Resolved
MC-18515 Chickens move through cobblestone house in village generated map
- Resolved
MC-18732 Horses attached to leads clip through fences
- Resolved
MC-18881 Baby mobs glitch through any type of block upon re-log
- Resolved
MC-18883 Horses suffocating when loading a new world
- Resolved
MC-19025 Animals escape from fences.
- Resolved
MC-19311 Animals able to escape fenced areas
- Resolved
MC-19528 Zombie Pigman Clipping through one block space with door next to it.
- Resolved
MC-19860 Baby animal mobs escape fence pens.
- Resolved
MC-19916 Animals
- Resolved
MC-19955 Baby Cows Everywhere!
- Resolved
MC-20052 Baby Cows
- Resolved
MC-20487 Baby cows walk through fences..
- Resolved
MC-21065 Mobs glitching!
- Resolved
MC-24282 Villagers getting hurt when entering the game
- Resolved
MC-25966 Animals Still Escaping
- Resolved
MC-26179 Mobs (Animals) passing through[glitching] fences
- Resolved
MC-26699 I think the "animals escaping pens fix" was missed for sheep
- Resolved
MC-26858 Animals get stuck in fence corners and chicken pass through fences.
- Resolved
MC-26928 Animals escaping from pens
- Resolved
MC-26989 Chickens "jumping" fences
- Resolved
MC-27135 Mob glichting through blocks (not fence glitch)
- Resolved
MC-27144 Mobs escape fenced ereas
- Resolved
MC-27173 Horse Suffocation
- Resolved
MC-27561 Animals Escape Pens
- Resolved
MC-28187 Animals Escaping Pens.
- Resolved
MC-28218 Animals and Pens - Bug NOT fixed!
- Resolved
MC-28588 my animals keep going through the fences
- Resolved
MC-28709 The animals are still escaping their pens.
- Resolved
MC-29098 problems with animals and pens
- Resolved
MC-29214 Baby horses still go through walls and die
- Resolved
MC-29283 If you relog on multiplayer the animals sometimes escape pens. (currently ive only had escaped sheep)
- Resolved
MC-29769 Horse suffocating bug is back
- Resolved
MC-30683 Animals Escaping
- Resolved
MC-32129 Mobs get out of fences
- Resolved
MC-32794 Animals still escape from fences at 1.6.4
- Resolved
MC-32946 Animals *STILL* escaping pins and some are stuck in the corner... i didn't see horses this time
- Resolved
MC-33316 Iron golem disappeared
- Resolved
MC-33394 Sheep, and possible other mobs, still glitch through fences
- Resolved
MC-33427 Villagers (mobs in general) escape fences if crowded.
- Resolved
MC-35309 Mob Glitching Through Fences Bug
- Resolved
MC-36308 My animals still escape their pens, even when I use leads to keep them in.
- Resolved
MC-36347 Mobs Escaping Pens
- Resolved
MC-38156 Animal glitch
- Resolved
MC-38181 Horses can pass through walls
- Resolved
MC-38726 Animals Escaping Their Pens When Disconnecting
- Resolved
MC-40220 Animals going through fences
- Resolved
MC-41181 Animals appear outside the fences when you open the world
- Resolved
MC-41710 animals keep walking through cobblestone walls
- Resolved
MC-41928 Animals are escaping thier pens.
- Resolved
MC-41997 Fence Glitching
- Resolved
MC-42006 Animals go Through Fences
- Resolved
MC-42048 Baby Villagers escaping through Iron bars
- Resolved
MC-42314 Bug
- Resolved
MC-42465 Sheep escape
- Resolved
MC-45434 Animals escaping fenced areas in 14w03b
- Resolved
MC-46219 Chickens Phasing Through Walls
- Resolved
MC-47833 Animals phase through blocks
- Resolved
MC-48176 Baby Cow Bug
- Resolved
MC-49699 Villagers walk into walls and suffocate themselves for no reason.
- Resolved
MC-49747 chickens escape through fences
- Resolved
MC-49837 Chickens getting through fences
- Resolved
MC-49862 Chickens escaping fence
- Resolved
MC-51727 Animals can go through stone walls
- Resolved
MC-52279 Animals glitch out of corner fences.
- Resolved
MC-53119 animals get through fences
- Resolved
MC-53292 all animals keep escaping and entering closed pens
- Resolved
MC-54552 Escaped Animals
- Resolved
MC-54779 Passive Mobs escape their pens
- Resolved
MC-55688 cows,sheep&pigs are missing from fenced in areals,when fences even three high&less then 19 blocks sq.
- Resolved
MC-56426 Certain Mobs Escaped Pens made of fences during an update from 1.7 to 14w21b
- Resolved
MC-58149 Animals escaping their fences
- Resolved
MC-58738 Animals getting out of fenced in area.
- Resolved
MC-59637 Animals going trough fences
- Resolved
MC-59779 Animals Suffocate in Fence when loading in Map
- Resolved
MC-60614 Sound of villager being hurt upon entering world
- Resolved
MC-61767 Rabbits Going through glass
- Resolved
MC-63736 Upon Loading Horses in a small fenced area will clip though fence
- Resolved
MC-63749 World Loading Mobs
- Resolved
MC-64375 Mobs escape pens
- Resolved
MC-64467 Animals can jump the fences when I open the world
- Resolved
MC-64548 Cows Dying Next to Fences.
- Resolved
MC-66011 Animals teleport through fences
- Resolved
MC-67529 Farm animals glitching into/through fences
- Resolved
MC-68237 Animals go outside the fencing when chunk is loaded
- Resolved
MC-69252 Horse Randomly Dying
- Resolved
MC-70012 Cows and sheep moving through fences in 1.8-pre2
- Resolved
MC-70140 Bunnies
- Resolved
MC-70265 mobs glitching
- Resolved
MC-70299 Sometimes animals escape fences.
- Resolved
MC-70834 Chickens glitched right out of glass pen
- Resolved
MC-70942 Animals can escape fenced areas
- Resolved
MC-72062 Wither skeletons glitching through walls bug.
- Resolved
MC-72600 Fences and carpet
- Resolved
MC-73140 Suffocating animals
- Resolved
MC-73943 Animals escaping fences area
- Resolved
MC-74678 Animals Escaping from fenced enclosures
- Resolved
MC-76227 Mobs escape fences
- Resolved
MC-77955 Mobs Leaving Fence
- Resolved
MC-78014 Cow glitches through fences and glass
- Resolved
MC-78431 Pigs escaping fenced in areas with 1 gate that was closed in Minecraft Realms.
- Resolved
MC-80366 Mobs Suffocating When Loading World
- Resolved
MC-81473 Phasing Horses
- Resolved
MC-82262 Sheep leave their pens when I leave the chunk they are in
- Resolved
MC-85550 Mobs glitch into solid blocks and suffocate upon loading chunks
- Resolved
MC-85654 Entities get pushed into and through walls when relogging
- Resolved
MC-85717 Spawned villagers are escaping from stone wall shops.. ?
- Resolved
MC-85762 Animals escape their pens apon world reload
- Resolved
MC-86266 Hit-boxes with mobs/fences
- Resolved
MC-86988 Animals glitching into fences/blocks on server restart
- Resolved
MC-88903 Cocoabeans and animals phasing trough walls
- Resolved
MC-88923 Animals
- Resolved
MC-88983 Animals bugging through fences in multitude compared to 1.8 and prior versions
- Resolved
MC-89231 Villagers teleporting
- Resolved
MC-89867 animal glitching trough fences or walls
- Resolved
MC-93015 Mobs glitching out from fences when reloading world
- Resolved
MC-94112 Entities fall through or walk through solid blocks
- Resolved
MC-95895 Passive Mobs glitch through cobblestone walls
- Resolved
MC-97270 Skeletal (for me) horses phase through fences and some blocks.
- Resolved
MC-97429 Skeleton horses despawn
- Resolved
MC-101046 animals go to walls
- Resolved
MC-103007 Glitch
- Resolved
MC-104745 Enities in small boxes
- Resolved
MC-105436 Animals walking through fences
- Resolved
MC-105710 Fences 'Leaky' for animals in 1.10.2 for PCs
- Resolved
MC-105720 mobs clipping into walls and suffocating
- Resolved
MC-107232 Mobs can push each other into blocks on world load
- Resolved
MC-109467 Villagers stuck in blocks and die 1.10.2
- Resolved
MC-112353 Beug wooden barrier animals glitch
- Resolved
MC-112471 Pigs, Cows, and Fences
- Resolved
MC-115146 Villager Pushed Through Walls
- Resolved
MC-117521 Villagers glitch into blocks and die when I come through from the Nether
- Resolved
MC-118669 Relogging causes mobs between fence hitboxes to glitch through blocks
- Resolved
MC-120499 Animals can walk through fence and wall
- Resolved
MC-136810 Dolphins in glass aquariums sometimes fall out of the bottom and die also they disappear from tank
- Resolved
MC-155944 farm mobs are able to jump over fences
- Resolved
MC-158982 Mobs in minecart disappearing / dying
- Resolved
MC-180829 Chicken Mob Glitch
- Resolved
MC-195205 Mobs Going through Walls
- Resolved
MC-198738 mobs glitching through walls
- Resolved
MC-213672 Mooshrooms overcrowded in a single block cow crusher teleport instead of dying
- Resolved
MC-214083 Animals glitching through fences
- Resolved
MC-229763 Mobs push themselves into blocks
- Resolved
MC-231679 Cows can clip through fence
- Resolved
MC-238849 Fence does not hold chickens
- Resolved
MC-245068 Mobs Phasing Through Fences
- Resolved
MC-248319 Cows excaping through fences.
- Resolved
MC-251765 Animals Phasing Through Fences
- Resolved
MC-2037 Black Sheep glitching through walls
- Resolved
MC-3753 Mobs can get out of a fence
- Resolved
MC-4707 Mobs glitch through floor/walls on chunk loading
- Resolved
MC-5187 Cows have an odd tendency to glitch through cobblestone walls. World originally made in 1.3.2.
- Resolved
MC-5230 Cows walking through fences.
- Resolved
- relates to
MC-129994 Pufferfish can go through glass panes by puffing
- Open
MC-73302 Block collision box issues (mobs glitch through blocks and more)
- Resolved
MC-9568 Mobs suffocate / go through blocks when growing up near a solid block
- Resolved
MC-12427 Mobs get stuck in the North-West corner of a fence
- Resolved
MC-50821 Cats and dogs teleporting into transparent-solid blocks (redstone_bloc, glowstone, TNT), causing them to suffocate
- Resolved
MC-77196 Villagers glitching through glass - reproducable
- Resolved
MC-92729 Horses spawn in blocks during world generation, causing them to suffocate
- Resolved
MC-253664 Allays disappearing or travelling abnormally far
- Resolved
MCPE-1982 Mobs can escape enclosures and sometimes suffocate through walls.
- Resolved
MC-10 Mobs temporarily glitch out of fenced areas / into blocks
- Resolved
- links to