Resolution: Invalid
Java: Version 8 Update 261 (build 1.8.0_261-b12)
Windows 10 Enterprise, Version 2004, OS build 19041.508
4K Display Monitor
//Enough of Dedotated WAM and CPU+GPU Hurtz to play this game at 120 FPS//
How to replicate
- Language is set to [some particular list of bug-covered languages]. In my case it was LOLCAT (Kingdom of Cats) or Spanish (Espana).
- GUI Scale is set to Auto (sometimes other options work too).
Then try doing this:
- You can just go into windowed mode and experiment with the game's window size while in Controls menu. Spanish and LOLCAT labels get pushed outside the game's borders. English (US) language passes this rescaling test fantastically - it adapts the font size to fit everything in the menu just fine.
It is fixable in Windowed mode by stretching the game window to make it wider, but you can't do anything in the Fullscreen.
Attachments notes
1) LOLCAT language controls menu with different resolutions (GUI scaling = Auto):
- Controls_2160p_1.16.3_Fullscreen_LOLCAT.png
- Controls_1440p_1.16.3_Fullscreen_LOLCAT.png
- Controls_1080p_1.16.3_Fullscreen_LOLCAT.png
2) English (US) language controls menu with different resolutions (GUI scaling = Auto):
- Controls_2160p_16.3_Fullscreen_US.png
- Controls_1440p_16.3_Fullscreen_US.png
- Controls_1080p_16.3_Fullscreen_US.png
3) Spanish (Espana) language controls menu in 4K resolution (GUI scaling = Auto):
- Controls_2160p_1.16.2_Fullscreen_Spanish.png
4) English (US) and LOLCAT in Windowed mode:
- Controls_1.16.3_Windowed_US.png
- Controls_1.16.3_Windowed_LOLCAT.png
5) Many labels on sliders&buttons crave for some attention, too ("rendur far away thingy 20 piec?s"):
- Graphics_Slider_Bug.png