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  1. Minecraft: Java Edition
  2. MC-196437

Off-hand right-click actions don't work if there is a block in the main hand


    • Community Consensus
    • Player

      Off-hand actions would not perform if there is a block in the main hand even if the main hand action is invalid.

      Hold a block in the main hand, torch in the off-hand.
      Aim at the block directly beneath you.
      The torch cannot be placed.

      Other examples:
      Bone meal
      Bucketing water
      Using a composter

      If you go very far back (~1.9, 1.10), when dual-wielding was first introduced, this wasn't the behaviour.

      Intended behaviour would be:
      1. Try to perform main hand action
      2. If invalid, try to perform off-hand action
      It seems that some code in the block placing function was messed up and prevented the check for (2).

      It seems that this bug was introduced between 1.10-1.16
      Speculation would be that this is due to 1.13 water changes and the code for waterlogging blocks somehow interfered with the block placing function.

            Unassigned Unassigned
            CCheukKa CCheukKa
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