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  1. Minecraft: Java Edition
  2. MC-163962

Villager demand values decrease indefinitely


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • None
    • 1.14.4, 1.15.2, 1.16.1, 1.21 Release Candidate 1, 1.21
    • None
    • Windows 7, Java 8 (JRE bundled with the game), Realms world
    • Community Consensus
    • (Unassigned)

      Villager demand values decrease indefinitely over time, some reaching minus 3 million in my Realms world. This makes it pretty much impossible to ever reach positive values again (except by underflow). New villagers or new trades start with zero or low values like -24, but over time they go into negative thousands, hundred thousands and so on. Villagers from 1.13.2 which haven't been traded with in 1.14.x or have not restocked, have a demand value of 0.

      Also, according to MerchantOffer.java, the following code (MCP mappings) doesn't seem to have an underflow protection, so I expect very high positive values after reaching minus 2 billion and some, potentially leading to very high prices (clamped to max. stack size):

        this.demand = this.demand + this.uses - (this.maxUses - this.uses);

      Relates to MC-156574 which has been marked as fixed.

      Example for an 1.13.2 butcher that has been traded with in 1.14.x:

      {Brain: {memories: {"minecraft:home": {pos: [I; -192, 69, -155], dimension: "minecraft:overworld"}, "minecraft:last_slept": 59095829L, "minecraft:last_worked_at_poi": 58818687L}}, HurtByTimestamp: 0, Attributes: [{Base: 20.0d, Name: "generic.maxHealth"}, {Base: 0.0d, Name: "generic.knockbackResistance"}, {Base: 0.5d, Name: "generic.movementSpeed"}, {Base: 0.0d, Name: "generic.armor"}, {Base: 0.0d, Name: "generic.armorToughness"}, {Base: 16.0d, Modifiers: [{UUIDMost: -1878018487258559006L, UUIDLeast: -9174853231443965336L, Amount: 0.07413098408231238d, Operation: 1, Name: "Random spawn bonus"}], Name: "generic.followRange"}, {Base: 0.0d, Name: "generic.attackKnockback"}], FoodLevel: 0b, Invulnerable: 0b, FallFlying: 0b, ForcedAge: 0, Gossips: [], PortalCooldown: 0, AbsorptionAmount: 0.0f, LastRestock: 2906L, FallDistance: 0.0f, DeathTime: 0s, Xp: 18, LastGossipDecay: 59084674L, HandDropChances: [0.085f, 0.085f], PersistenceRequired: 0b, Age: 0, Motion: [0.0d, -0.0784000015258789d, 0.0d], UUIDLeast: -6538277718517827106L, Health: 20.0f, LeftHanded: 0b, Air: 300s, OnGround: 1b, Dimension: 0, Offers: {Recipes: [{maxUses: 14, buyB: {id: "minecraft:air", Count: 0b}, buy: {id: "minecraft:porkchop", Count: 15b}, sell: {id: "minecraft:emerald", Count: 1b}, xp: 1, uses: 0, priceMultiplier: 0.0f, specialPrice: 0, demand: -502220, rewardExp: 1b}, {maxUses: 25, buyB: {id: "minecraft:air", Count: 0b}, buy: {id: "minecraft:chicken", Count: 15b}, sell: {id: "minecraft:emerald", Count: 1b}, xp: 1, uses: 0, priceMultiplier: 0.0f, specialPrice: 0, demand: -896806, rewardExp: 1b}, {maxUses: 7, buyB: {id: "minecraft:air", Count: 0b}, buy: {id: "minecraft:coal", Count: 21b}, sell: {id: "minecraft:emerald", Count: 1b}, xp: 1, uses: 0, priceMultiplier: 0.0f, specialPrice: 0, demand: -251106, rewardExp: 1b}, {maxUses: 7, buyB: {id: "minecraft:air", Count: 0b}, buy: {id: "minecraft:emerald", Count: 1b}, sell: {id: "minecraft:cooked_porkchop", Count: 6b}, xp: 1, uses: 0, priceMultiplier: 0.0f, specialPrice: 0, demand: -251114, rewardExp: 1b}, {maxUses: 7, buyB: {id: "minecraft:air", Count: 0b}, buy: {id: "minecraft:emerald", Count: 1b}, sell: {id: "minecraft:cooked_chicken", Count: 6b}, xp: 1, uses: 0, priceMultiplier: 0.0f, specialPrice: 0, demand: -251116, rewardExp: 1b}]}, Rotation: [179.12813f, 0.0f], HandItems: [{}, {}], RestocksToday: 0, ArmorDropChances: [0.085f, 0.085f, 0.085f, 0.085f], UUIDMost: -4706437458691471725L, Pos: [-196.49274613473273d, 72.0d, -165.24950263469773d], Fire: -1s, ArmorItems: [{}, {}, {}, {}], CanPickUpLoot: 1b, VillagerData: {profession: "minecraft:butcher", level: 9, type: "minecraft:plains"}, HurtTime: 0s, Inventory: [{id: "minecraft:wheat_seeds", Count: 24b}, {id: "minecraft:wheat", Count: 24b}, {id: "minecraft:carrot", Count: 6b}, {id: "minecraft:wheat", Count: 21b}]}

      Example for an 1.14.x toolsmith:

      {Brain: {memories: {"minecraft:meeting_point": {pos: [I; -205, 72, -144], dimension: "minecraft:overworld"}, "minecraft:home": {pos: [I; -213, 71, -161], dimension: "minecraft:overworld"}, "minecraft:last_slept": 59095924L, "minecraft:last_worked_at_poi": 59092641L, "minecraft:job_site": {pos: [I; -196, 68, -144], dimension: "minecraft:overworld"}}}, HurtByTimestamp: 0, Attributes: [{Base: 20.0d, Name: "generic.maxHealth"}, {Base: 0.0d, Name: "generic.knockbackResistance"}, {Base: 0.5d, Name: "generic.movementSpeed"}, {Base: 0.0d, Name: "generic.armor"}, {Base: 0.0d, Name: "generic.armorToughness"}, {Base: 48.0d, Modifiers: [{UUIDMost: -73376431933667821L, UUIDLeast: -6176652968726733404L, Amount: 0.033869891415886366d, Operation: 1, Name: "Random spawn bonus"}], Name: "generic.followRange"}, {Base: 0.0d, Name: "generic.attackKnockback"}], FoodLevel: 0b, Invulnerable: 0b, FallFlying: 0b, ForcedAge: 0, Gossips: [], PortalCooldown: 0, AbsorptionAmount: 0.0f, LastRestock: 0L, FallDistance: 0.0f, DeathTime: 0s, Xp: 154, LastGossipDecay: 59084674L, HandDropChances: [0.085f, 0.085f], PersistenceRequired: 0b, Age: 0, Motion: [1.5069371136687602E-4d, -0.0784000015258789d, 0.07366114333699925d], UUIDLeast: -6511835637120788481L, Health: 20.0f, LeftHanded: 1b, Air: 300s, OnGround: 1b, Dimension: 0, Offers: {Recipes: [{maxUses: 16, buyB: {id: "minecraft:air", Count: 1b}, buy: {id: "minecraft:coal", Count: 15b}, sell: {id: "minecraft:emerald", Count: 1b}, xp: 2, uses: 0, priceMultiplier: 0.05f, specialPrice: 0, demand: -860128, rewardExp: 1b}, {maxUses: 12, buyB: {id: "minecraft:air", Count: 1b}, buy: {id: "minecraft:emerald", Count: 1b}, sell: {id: "minecraft:stone_hoe", Count: 1b, tag: {Damage: 0}}, xp: 1, uses: 0, priceMultiplier: 0.2f, specialPrice: 0, demand: -645096, rewardExp: 1b}, {maxUses: 12, buyB: {id: "minecraft:air", Count: 1b}, buy: {id: "minecraft:iron_ingot", Count: 4b}, sell: {id: "minecraft:emerald", Count: 1b}, xp: 10, uses: 0, priceMultiplier: 0.05f, specialPrice: 0, demand: -209664, rewardExp: 1b}, {maxUses: 12, buyB: {id: "minecraft:air", Count: 1b}, buy: {id: "minecraft:emerald", Count: 36b}, sell: {id: "minecraft:bell", Count: 1b}, xp: 5, uses: 0, priceMultiplier: 0.2f, specialPrice: 0, demand: -209664, rewardExp: 1b}, {maxUses: 3, buyB: {id: "minecraft:air", Count: 1b}, buy: {id: "minecraft:emerald", Count: 13b}, sell: {id: "minecraft:iron_axe", Count: 1b, tag: {Enchantments: [{lvl: 1s, id: "minecraft:fortune"}, {lvl: 2s, id: "minecraft:efficiency"}], Damage: 0}}, xp: 10, uses: 0, priceMultiplier: 0.2f, specialPrice: 0, demand: -20880, rewardExp: 1b}, {maxUses: 3, buyB: {id: "minecraft:air", Count: 1b}, buy: {id: "minecraft:emerald", Count: 19b}, sell: {id: "minecraft:iron_pickaxe", Count: 1b, tag: {Enchantments: [{lvl: 1s, id: "minecraft:fortune"}, {lvl: 2s, id: "minecraft:efficiency"}, {lvl: 2s, id: "minecraft:unbreaking"}], Damage: 0}}, xp: 10, uses: 0, priceMultiplier: 0.2f, specialPrice: 0, demand: -20880, rewardExp: 1b}]}, Rotation: [359.74698f, 0.0f], HandItems: [{}, {}], RestocksToday: 0, ArmorDropChances: [0.085f, 0.085f, 0.085f, 0.085f], UUIDMost: 5094727900297841637L, Pos: [-205.50368003352455d, 69.0d, -142.2608681928114d], Fire: -1s, ArmorItems: [{}, {}, {}, {}], CanPickUpLoot: 1b, VillagerData: {profession: "minecraft:toolsmith", level: 3, type: "minecraft:plains"}, HurtTime: 0s, Inventory: [{id: "minecraft:wheat", Count: 64b}, {id: "minecraft:wheat_seeds", Count: 24b}, {id: "minecraft:potato", Count: 4b}, {id: "minecraft:wheat", Count: 1b}]}

            Unassigned Unassigned
            TorteShui TorteShui
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