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  1. Minecraft: Java Edition
  2. MC-143805

Can't fill an empty map in creative mode


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Works As Intended
    • None
    • Minecraft 19w06a
    • None
    • Windows 10 64bit, using bundled Java runtime which is 1.8.0_51
    • Unconfirmed

      Right-clicking with an empty map in creative mode in 19w06a does not fill the map - instead you get a brief movement as if putting the map away, and the map remains empty.  Maps seem to work fine in survival and adventure mode. 

      Steps to reproduce:

      • Open a world in 19w06a
      • Put yourself in to creative mode (/gamemode creative)
      • Give yourself a map (/give @p minecraft:map)
      • Use right-click to fill the map - observe that this does not work, the map is still empty

      Expected result is as per survival mode:

      • Open a world in 19w06a
      • Put yourself in to survival mode (/gamemode survival) or adventure mode (/gamemode adventure)
      • Give yourself a map (/give @p minecraft:map)
      • Use right-click to fill the map - the map should now be filled

      This works as expected in 19w05a

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            helzibah Helzibah
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