Resolution: Works As Intended
Minecraft 18w43b, Minecraft 18w43c, Minecraft 18w48a, Minecraft 18w48b, Minecraft 18w49a, Minecraft 18w50a, Minecraft 19w07a, Minecraft 19w08b
Windows 10 64-bit, GTX 750, intel i5 3.2GHz, 8GB Ram.
What I expected to happen was...:
The offhand crossbow should appear in a downward position; not interfering nor overlaying with the main hand's crossbow.
What actually happened was...:
Crossbows' positions overlay each other.
Steps to Reproduce:
1. Have a crossbow in the main hand and off hand simultaneously.
2. Load at least one of the crossbows.
- is duplicated by
MC-137549 Dual Crossbows Just... is Broken
- Resolved
MC-138144 Holding 2 Crossbows renders both as ready-to-fire.
- Resolved
MC-138150 Punching Animation broken
- Resolved
MC-168501 Crossbow glitch 1.15 and 1.15.1
- Resolved
- relates to
MC-137553 Offhand item does not appear when wielding a loaded crossbow
- Resolved