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- MC-91055
More than 1 mob spawning in a 1 block space - MC-92019
Shields don't block anything if facing straight down - MC-96734
Mobs refuse to walk over chorus flowers. - MC-97249
Preset code offset in superflat customization GUI is not reset, causing text to be pushed too far to the left - MC-97738
Random lighting - MC-107257
Possible rare concurrency issue may cause changes in chunk to be reverted - MC-107933
Shulker Boxes not appearing on Maps - MC-122869
Minecarts behave differently since 17w48a - MC-126810
Player markers aren't visible on maps placed in item frames - MC-128635
Water bubbles can appear out of flowing water - MC-129161
NullPointerException when trying to join server while loading server list - MC-129302
Skeleton arrows don't deal damage, if they shoot while underwater, and you are moving when the arrows hit - MC-130741
Creative Inventory scroll position resets when alt-tabbing - MC-130893
Snow layers don't appear on maps - MC-132284
Upgrade paths for loading structure files are slow - MC-134436
Pick Block (Middle Button) doesn't work since upgrade to server 1.13 - MC-134476
Miswritten sounds.json causing almost all 1.13 subtitles to be unshown (Fix included) - MC-134506
Mobs only spawn when a player is moving on realms - MC-134696
Cod AI performance issue - MC-134969
Minecraft 1.13 Mob spawn rate - MC-135130
Render distance lag - MC-137034
forceupgrade causes missing chunks
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