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  1. Minecraft: Java Edition
  2. MC-131926

1.12.2 version's cube darking Graphical spawnning


    • Unconfirmed

      1.12.2's vulnerability is 61.55% of my satisfaction, but I released this cube vulnerability. It's the black one.It's a lot of loopholes

      What I hope to happen is...
      No black holes and no lowfps
      What actually happened is...
      At the end of the lowfps (at least <15fps), there appeared a black cube vulnerability, which was continuously generated.
      **Steps to Reproduce:**
      1. how to trigger a mistake here step by step
      2. to a certain place
      3. there is a bit of lowfps, FPS low
      4. there is a black hole, the cube of the vulnerability generation
      5. cubic loopholes are constantly emerging

      This vulnerability has been detected since 12:30 in May 20, 2018, but I haven't entered the Bug Tracker yet, and I landed today.

      This is too frightening!

      The following screenshot can prove this point

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