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  1. Minecraft: Java Edition
  2. MC-11605

Certain death message will print "null" as the player/mob name that caused the death


    • Confirmed
    • Survival

      How to reproduce: Give yourself a renamed sword, use it to hit another player off a ledge so that he will die from fall damage. The death message will read "null" instead of your name. Alternatively, give a zombie/skeleton a renamed weapon and have it attack you, then jump off to certain death by fall damage. Again, the death message will read "null" instead of the mob's name:

      player was doomed to fall by null using itemName

      Note: This issue does not occur when the item is not named and therefore will not be printed out.

            dinnerbone [Mojang] Nathan Adams
            redstonehelper redstonehelper
            3 Vote for this issue
            3 Start watching this issue
