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  1. Minecraft: Java Edition
  2. MC-11422

wolves stay angry after being told to sit/after they killed the player


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Duplicate
    • None
    • Minecraft 1.4.7, Minecraft 1.5
    • windows 7
    • Unconfirmed

      when you are on a server and you have a tamed wolf. It will help you slay other mobs. when another player attacks the owner of the wolf or the wolf itself. it will start making angry wolf noises and starts attacking the player. when you tell the wolf to sit down it will continue to make the angry sounds. when you tell it to get up again it will continue to attack the hostile player. BUT when the hostile player is killed the wolf will continue to make the angry wolf sounds for the rest of it's life.

      what I expected to happen was: the wolf would turn neutral and stop making angry wolf sounds when I tell it to sit down/the enemy player is killed

      what actually happened was: the wolf will stay hostile when I tell it to sit down. and the wolf will continue to make angry wolf sounds after the enemy player is killed.

      steps to reproduce
      1. tame wolf
      2. let another player attack you or the wolf
      3. when the wolf starts attacking tell it to sit down.
      4. when you tell it to get up it will continue to attack the enemy player.
      5. if the enemy player is killed the wolf will turn neutral towards that player but will continue to make angry wolf sounds for the rest of it's life

            Unassigned Unassigned
            league Maarten Thijs
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