Resolution: Unresolved
Minecraft 16w39a, Minecraft 16w39c, Minecraft 16w42a, Minecraft 1.11, Minecraft 16w50a, Minecraft 1.11.2, Minecraft 1.12.2, Minecraft 18w14b, Minecraft 1.13-pre1, Minecraft 1.13-pre5, Minecraft 1.13-pre8, Minecraft 1.13.2, Minecraft 18w43b, Minecraft 18w43c, Minecraft 18w44a, Minecraft 19w14b, 1.14.4, 1.15 Pre-Release 2, 20w09a, 20w18a, 1.16.1, 1.16.3, 21w15a, 1.17.1, 1.18.2, 1.19.3, 23w03a, 1.20 Pre-release 1, 1.20.1, 23w33a, 1.20.2 Pre-Release 4, 1.20.6, 1.21.3, 1.21.4
Arrows of harming (or healing for undead mobs) do not stack with bow damage, what ever damage source does more damage overrides the other damage source.
If the harming effect does more damage then the bow would with normal arrows then only the damage from the harming effect is applied.
If the bow damage with normal arrows is more damage then the harming effect then only the bow damage is applied.
This is determined before damage reduction, so a power V bow fully drawn and using an arrow of harming (instant damage II) against a target in diamond armor (just for example) will only do about 2 hearts of damage. If instead the bow is hardly drawn at all then it will do 6 hearts of damage, the damage from the instant damage II effect.
Demonstration: https://youtu.be/9OW9YXTFnTo
Steps to reproduce:
- /give @s crossbow
- /give @s minecraft:tipped_arrow{Potion:"minecraft:strong_harming"} 32
- /summon minecraft:blaze ~ ~ ~ {Health:16,NoAI:1b}
- Shoot the blaze with the crossbow
- /data get entity @e[type=blaze,limit=1,sort=nearest] Health
Expected behavior: The blaze would have died, having taken 7-11 damage from the arrow plus 12 from the instant damage effect for a total of 19-23 damage.
Observed behavior: The blaze survives with 4 health; the arrow damage was disregarded.
Reason: see MC-111626.
- is duplicated by
MC-84174 The Arrow Of Harming doesn't deal more damage than the other arrows.
- Resolved
MC-108991 When shooting harming I or II arrow with critical hit, the harming effects don't apply to target entity.
- Resolved
MC-110667 Harming Arrows Do Not Apply Effect
- Resolved
MC-111626 Tipped arrows with instant damaging effects do not work because of damage cooldown
- Resolved
MC-112228 Tipped Arrow Insta. Damage II
- Resolved
MC-120652 Tipped arrows of harming inconsistency
- Resolved
MC-123737 Arrows of Harming physical damage is replacing its magic damage
- Resolved
MC-133584 Tipped Arrow of Harming acting strangely
- Resolved
MC-138634 Crossbows with potion damage arrows
- Resolved
MC-140807 Instant Damage arrows not working in 1.13.2
- Resolved
MC-161000 Tipped Arrows not doing correct damage with Enchanted Bows and Crossbows
- Resolved
MC-161003 Tipped arrow bug in 1.14.4 keeps getting signed off as "Resolved: Duplicate" of incorrect older Minecraft version
- Resolved
MC-194162 Arrow of Harming II does not work with long bow pulls
- Resolved
MC-237761 Arrows of Harming/Healing vs Armored Foes
- Resolved
MC-251707 Less charged bow does more damage than fully charged bow using tipped arrows
- Resolved
MC-265397 An arrow with instant damage effect doesn't deal more damage
- Resolved
MC-278617 A bow with power and an arrow of harming takes the same amount of health as a bow without enchant.
- Resolved
- relates to
MC-193178 Tipped arrows of healing/harming deal incorrect damage
- Open