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  1. Bedrock Dedicated Server
  2. BDS-18238

Can't create a netherite tool on the latest version of the Server


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Duplicate
    • None
    • 1.19.71
    • None
    • minecraft:for windows
    • Unconfirmed


      If you play the 1.19.72 server, which is the latest version that can be downloaded from the official website, with the 1.19.71 client, which is the latest version of minecraft:for windows, you will not be able to make netherite armor or tools on the smithing table.

      reproduction procedure:

      1. log in to the 1.19.72 server with the 1.19.72 client
      2. . Set diamond armor/tools and netheriite ingots on the smithing table

      Observation Result:

      The UI displays a cross mark and does not allow the creation of netherite armor/tools.

      Expected Results:

      Ingots of netherite are consumed and diamond armor/tools are upgraded to netherialite armor/tools.


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            oinari_k oinari_k
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